Differently abled drinking station by oasis India.

 Wheelchair Accessible Drinking Fountains

Oasis (oasiswatercoolers.in) 

Online Water Coolers & Drinking Water Fountain Manufacturer India (oasiswfs.in)

Provisions for wheelchair accessible units require access for a forward approach and address spouts, water flow, and operable parts. Units can be wall mounted or free-standing.

Wall-mounted wheelchair accessible drinking fountain with forward
approach clear floor space highlighted. Notes: Clear Floor Space
(§602.2) for a forward approach centered on the unit; Operable Parts
(§602.3) within accessible reach range and usable with one hand and
without tight grasping, pinching, twisting of the wrist, or more than 5
lbf.; Spout Height (§602.4) 36 inches maximum above the finish floor or ground.
Figure: Detail of spout and water flow 4 inches high minimum. Caption: Water Flow
(§602.6). Figure: A drinking fountain in plan view with a spout less
than 3 inches from the front of unit and an angle of the water stream 30
degrees maximum measured horizontally relative to the face of the unit. A
drinking fountain in plan view with a spout 3 inches to 5 inches from the front of
unit and an angle of the water stream 15 degrees maximum measured
horizontally relative to the face of the
